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Columns In Major Newspapers

April 2016
Date It Right! : Personal Date Selection for Businesses
Date It Right! : Personal Date Selection for Businesses
Source : SME
By : Dato' Joey Yap

We know how Murphy’s Law goes: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Your keynote presentation crashes. The catering is bad. A deal falls through. Some of these things you and your business can walk away from, but some have devastating results. That said, whether the outcome is negligible or terrible, why start off any business venture with the spectre of negativity hanging over it? Why tempt Murphy’s Law?
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Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato' Joey Yap

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March 2016
Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato' Joey Yap

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August 2015
Negative Sectors In 2015
Negative Sectors In 2015
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

People use Feng Shui to help improve the quality of their life in terms of wealth, health and relationship matters. From choosing the right date to renovate a house to planning the layout of a home, we are always looking for ways on how Feng Shui can benefit the home that we live in and the people who live in it.
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Aquariums: More Than Just An Aesthetic Choice
Aquariums: More Than Just An Aesthetic Choice
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

In Feng Shui, Water serves to collect and stimulate Qi and this is because of the versatility of Water as an activating force that generally produces faster and immediate results. It is even versatile enough to allow anyone to include it into any property with or without the need for any major renovation or alterations.
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How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 2)
How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 2)
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

In this continuing article on “How Qi affects the 8 different types of Houses based on Main Doors”, we will be highlighting both the West and Southwest sector in this article.
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July 2015
Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Feng Shui for Bathrooms
Feng Shui for Bathrooms
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

In the olden days, it was common for families to have their toilets and bathrooms built as a separate structure from the house. As such, it was not really a major concern as to how the bathroom would affect the Feng Shui of their property. Fast forward to modern times when it has become a necessary convenience to have bathrooms built within the house. Most people immediately assume that toilets flush away wealth and emit negative Qi. As a matter of fact, toilets are modern amenities that are typically clean. They do not cause any problems in terms of bad Qi. Now, this is not to say that the location of bathrooms is not significant in Feng Shui for there are several aspects that one needs to observe and consider.
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Decoding Outcomes in Life with Qi Men Dun Jia
Decoding Outcomes in Life with Qi Men Dun Jia
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

Qi Men Dun Jia – or Qi Men, in its abbreviated form – is one of the oldest known Chinese Metaphysical sciences. Despite being so well established, Qi Men does not really get the recognition it deserves. Over the centuries, its secrets have remained guarded. Even as recently as a decade ago, there was not much published literature available for the common reader, even in the Chinese speaking world. It is this lack of accessibility combined with the cryptic omplexity of Qi Men that has prevented it from earning the respect and appreciation it rightfully deserves. Until recently, only those studying under the direct tutelage of a Qi Men master have been able to benefit from this ancient art.
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June 2015
Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato Joey Yap

上一期我們談到良辰吉日對於現代戰場――商場上的一些影響,但如果我們也能知道日曆 上的一些凶日,也能助我們一臂之力,可說是“知吉知凶,百戰百勝”,今天就讓我們來談 談日曆上的一些“凶日”吧!
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How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 1)
How Qi Affects The Eight Different Types Of Houses Based On Main Doors (Part 1)
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Your wealth luck will be bright this year if the Main Door of your home or office is located in the North sector for 2015. The Wealth Star that will be present here can reward you with great wealth reaped from your business and investment deals. If you wish for any of your money-generating projects to be successful, use this sector often. Even if the Main Door is not located here, you can still tap into the benefits of this sector. For greater results, place Yang-influencing objects such as a television or clock to help attract more positive energies into this sector.
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Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato Joey Yap

擇日,作为一种术數,流传至今已经有 2000 年的历史。在过去,人们举凡祭祀、求學、求学、求医、嫁娶、開市、破土甚至落发等等大小事務前,都會進行擇日,选个好日子,希望“好的开始就是成功的一半”。
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Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Better Bedrooms
Better Bedrooms
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

Your bedroom is arguably the most important room in your house because it is where you go to rest and rejuvenate your mind and body. A bedroom not only acts as your personal sanctuary but also provides a tranquil and relaxed setting that you go to feel safe and comfortable every night. That is why your bedroom should not have too much Yang energy as Yang energy is typically associated with activity and achievements.
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The Other Art Of War
The Other Art Of War
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

Chinese military general Sun Tzu is not short of becoming a household name worldwide. This is perhaps due to his versatility as both a commander and a philosopher, whose musings on battle strategy and the concept of war have continued to be relevant today.The Art of War, his magnum opus, still strongly influences both Asian and Western societies in matters of politics, business, sports, and warfare. Yet the "other" Art of War is not as widely preached and remain a niche component of Chinese Metaphysics. Called, Qi Men Dun Jia, it loosely translates to Mystical Doors Escaping Technique and has been around for the last 3000 years.
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May 2015
Myths + reality: Feng Shui is not just about making money
Myths + reality: Feng Shui is not just about making money
Source : The Edge Financial Daily
By : Dato Joey Yap

It is natural for most people to want to be rich. There is nothing wrong in wanting more money in life or aspiring to be rich. Let's face it, no one aspires to be poor. Society has created a perception that fengshui is about money and nothing else - from placing the "waving cat" on the cash register of shops and the "money frog" under the table to the practice of so-called secrets of fengshui formulas. People are constantly bombarded with information on how to get rich by using fengshui.Many well-known tycoons in Hong Kong and Taiwan have used fengshui, thus perpetuating the view that it is all about making millions.
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Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato Joey Yap

其实择日的概念很简 单, 就是希望在一 个良辰吉日, 利用该时候的 宇宙能量, 优化某项运动的 成果, 以免所付出的努力最 终 付 之 一 炬 。 当 某 一 天 的 气, 也就是宇宙能量处于正 面的时候, 那特定的时间或 活动就能取得正面的效果。
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Land & Building Shapes
Land & Building Shapes
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

The layout of the land outside the house as well as the house itself plays an important role in Feng Shui. This is because these geographical layouts of the area represent the physical container where Qi is contained.
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Healthy Wealth Qi
Healthy Wealth Qi
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Feng shui can be used to help improve one’s wealth opportunities among other things, but many people misunderstand how it works and what steps need to be taken to do so.
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Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Part 2
Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Part 2
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

In the first article on Face Reading, we looked at the first of two faces that are suitable for leaders and entrepreneurs - the Water Face. This second article will talk about The Metal Face - The Leader. A Metal Face person is usually easy to spot. Their face is usually oval with a strong, sturdy and aggressive appearance. They also usually have broad chins and foreheads and have pasty or pale complexions.
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Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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April 2015
鼻子/牙齿 观察可信度
鼻子/牙齿 观察可信度
Source : Nanyang Siang Pau
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Natural Elements
Natural Elements
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

Finding a sustainable and conscious development in an environment that will prove friendly towards us is what many of us hope to have once we signed on the purchasing agreement for a property.
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Feng Shui For Apartment Living
Feng Shui For Apartment Living
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Feng Shui has become an important form of study over the past decades and it has caught the attention of many individuals regardless of race and religion. However, most people will face a common problem when they begin their Feng Shui study because most of them are unsure of whether the Feng Shui knowledge that they learn is the right one or not.
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Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Part 1
Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Part 1
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

A Book by Any Cover: Face Reading for Leaders & Entrepreneurs Our impressions about someone are immediately formed the first time based on their look, their appearance and their face. We immediately decide if they look like a nice person or not. Yet, many of us say that we should never judge a book by its cover. But then again, how many of us are constantly told that first impression counts and we end up judging a person based on their looks alone.
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March 2015
Kitchen Feng Shui
Kitchen Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

These days, it is common to see steely and sleek new designs for your kitchen. Gone were the days where kitchens only contain a stove, a sink and a fridge. Now, we have cabinets of all sizes and materials, eyebrow-raising kitchen arrangements and new cooking technologies that could blend befittingly into a sci-fi movie!
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Navigating A Consultation
Navigating A Consultation
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

It is very common for a Feng Shui practitioner to be asked questions regarding the steps and validity of a Feng Shui consultation. The most frequent questions you can possibly get would be “What can I expect from a Feng Shui consultation?” or “How can I know whether the Feng Shui consultant is genuine?” This will all become clearer in this article as it will explain in bigger picture the whole process of a Feng Shui consultation and debunk some “myths” along the way.
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Property Outlook
Property Outlook
Source : Property Lifestyle
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we boldly charge forward into the New Year, we look forward in achieving new personal goals, pursuing our endeavors for the year and planning for our future – whether it is to earn more money, save for rainy days or make plans to better ourselves.
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Auspicious or superstition – Tips for celebrating the New Year without fear
Auspicious or superstition – Tips for celebrating the New Year without fear
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

Chinese New Year is usually a month-long celebration of joyous reunions, endless gathering and abundant feasting. While it is time for celebrating new beginnings and wishing one another luck, Chinese New Year is often peppered with manyDo’s and Don’ts and superstitious beliefs that can sometimes prove exhausting for those who just want to celebrate the New Year sans the headache of following every superstitious beliefs
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Feng Shui Made Easy
Feng Shui Made Easy
Source : Renonation
By : Dato Joey Yap

Before accessing the interior of a property, a classically trained Feng Shui practitioner will begin by first accessing the exterior of the property – namely the surrounding landforms. Traditionally called Luan Tou or Forms in modern terms, these Forms will help indicate the type and quality of Qi found in the surrounding area of the property. The Feng Shui practitioner will determine if the landform is positive or negative and whether the flow is blocked or free flowing. Aside from evaluating the Forms of a property, a Feng Shui practitioner must also consider the formulas that dictate the way in which the energy map of an area is calculated and drawn. Using these formulas, the practitioner is then able to assess the quality of the Qi of the area and thus be able to make a full Feng Shui analysis by studying these Forms and using the Formulas presented before them. Additionally, they are then able to focus their attention on the property itself and concentrate their attention on the three more important areas, namely the main door area, the kitchen and the bedroom.

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February  2015
Weekly forecast for 2 February – 8 February 2015
Weekly forecast for 2 February – 8 February 2015
By : Dato Joey Yap


You will have a mixed batch of luck in store when it comes to your personal relations. You will deeply miss a person that you are in love with, and be stuck with the people you’re trying to stay away from! Having a sense of humour about things is good so make the best of the week by focusing on auspicious things. On the other hand, your romance life is likely to be blooming and your family relations favourable.

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Property Investment: Get Ahead With Feng Shui
Property Investment: Get Ahead With Feng Shui
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Property is considered one of the perennial favourites when it comes to investing. This is due to the fact that there is a strong possibility for property values to rise in the market, generating quick capital gains as a result. On top of that, you can get a steady flow of income out of the property through monthly rentals if you choose to rent it out. It all sounds easy assuming you already have the capital to indulge in property investment but the main problem of course is determining whether or not the property you invest in has the potential to grow in terms of value and demand.
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Business & Career Prospects for 12 Animals Signs for 2015
Business & Career Prospects for 12 Animals Signs for 2015
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

The Year of the Goat is rearing up to be an excellent year for all the AnimalSigns. As long they maintain their determination and put in the hard work, there is bound to be positive results obtained this year.However, as with previous year, there will be certain challenges and obstacles ahead as well. In this article, we will highlight how you will fare in terms of business outlook and career prospects in 2015
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January 2015
The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions.
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The 12 animals signs for 2015
The 12 animals signs for 2015
Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Here's a comprehensive look for the zodiac in the upcoming year As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.
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Chinese Zodiac 2015
Chinese Zodiac 2015
Source : ELLE Malaysia
By : Dato Joey Yap

Sheep individuals will have a lot to expect in 2015 as it is their year, after all. If your Animal Sign is Sheep, you can expect good news in the year of 2015. First, your intellectual and creative energy will be bursting to the brim in this year. This could easily set you apart from everyone else. With your mental faculties revving up in high gear, you will find yourself charging forward with a newfound sense of confidence and independence. That means trusting yourself and spending time on focusing on your own ideas while pushing your creativity to the surface.

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The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
Source : Ivory Living
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.

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The Feng Shui Way To Riches
The Feng Shui Way To Riches
Source : The Asian Entrepreneur
By : Dato Joey Yap

Let’s get this fact right: there is no quick-fix to Feng Shui, regardless of whether it is applied for wealth or relationship purposes. The obsession with getting rich fast and falling in love quickly, however, has turned Feng Shui into a means to sell people all kinds of items and trinkets, in the name of helping them acquire more of one and find the other.

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Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

在还没有检查屋子内部的形法时,我们必须先观察室外的大环境。你必须先确保屋子的位置能够吸收以及储存气,然后才决定如何将气传导到屋子内部的各个角落。 你也许已经拥有了一间屋子,甚至已经住在里面了。在这种情况下,你就没有办法选择室外环境。你能够做到的,就只是评估室内形法而已。就如我所说过的,不要让你做不到的事情限制了你能做到的事情。尽可能让你的屋子拥有多一些有利的形法,并减少负面的格局。

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The 12 Animal Signs for 2015
The 12 Animal Signs for 2015
Source : Renonation
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions.

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The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
The 12 Animals Signs for 2015
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.
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Chinese Astrology for 2015
Chinese Astrology for 2015
Source : Property Lifestyle
By : Dato Joey Yap

Chinese Astrology for 2015

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next twelve months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.

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December 2014
Understanding The Influence Of A Good Date
Understanding The Influence Of A Good Date
Source : SME
By : Dato Joey Yap

In our rush to seek our fame and fortune, we often forget that there are underlying forces that can guide us into making ideal decisions that can turn the tides of the universe in our favor for a more successful outlook in our lives. Thus, the saying: ‘being at the right place and at the right time’ rings true here. The concept behind Date Selection in the context of Feng Shui is simple: the objective is to carry out an event based on the best date in a calendar that can begin and end on a positive and beneficial note for the intended individual.
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Source : iProperty
By : Dato Joey Yap

Dato’ Joey Yap shares his predictions for 2015

2015 marks the Year of the Wood Goat and it ushers in plenty of good tidings. The Goat’s influence will inspire individuals to explore their creativity and show their more charitable side all year long. Things are looking better in 2015 as it is also going to be a more peaceful year, though there will be occurrences of severe weather changes worldwide.

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New Year, Right Sectors
New Year, Right Sectors
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

New Year, Right Sectors

By using the right sectors to bring in a good flow of Qi, you can welcome the New Year with prosperity, healthy blessing and joy.

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Weekly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
Weekly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
By : Dato Joey Yap


This is not a good week to fight with others over minor affairs when both parties refuse to give in. It will turn out to be a complete waste of time. Energy is not high this week and your stars are not favourable as it relates to personal affairs. Keeping low by staying out of the public eye will guarantee that you accomplish more. Remember that if you can’t find anything polite to say, just don’t say anything at all!

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A Property Feng Shui Checklist For Home Buyers
A Property Feng Shui Checklist For Home Buyers
Source : iMoney
By : Dato Joey Yap

Buying a property is certainly no small commitment, which is exactly why you need to choose wisely from the get-go. You may have found the abode of your dreams that fit your ideals, but it is always wise to analyse the various aspects of the potential property from all angles - financial, estimated return, and even from the geographical aspects based on feng shui principles to ensure that your decision is the right one. Being one of the ancient arts of Chinese Metaphysics, feng shui is the study of Qi flow in the environment and its effects. Nowadays, it is commonly considered when selecting properties. With it, house buyers can detail what sort of impact the environment can have on its occupants. Buying a property is not just about the property itself, but also the facilities and the surrounding. Here is a property feng shui checklist every home buyer should consider.

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傳統风水融匯现代厨房 6窍门提升健康生活
Source : Property King

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November 2014
4 Components Of A Good Home
4 Components Of A Good Home
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

4 Components Of A Good Home

Owning a home today is considered a big step for most of us. Not only is it a long-term investment, it is also a sign that we may have dreams of starting our own family someday. Joey Yap talks about what makes a good home from a feng shui perspective.

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Find out what Year of the Wood Goat brings
Find out what Year of the Wood Goat brings
Source : The Malaysian Insider
By : Dato Joey Yap

As we approach the end of 2014, it is time to welcome a New Year. The Year of the Wood Goat is likely to be influential and fruitful for individuals who wish to discover more about what the year holds for them. The 12 Animal Signs for 2015 will help provide a deep insight into every animal sign and what the next 12 months have in store for each of those signs, as well as assist you in making the right decisions. Armed with this information, individuals can make better decisions to help guide them in the coming year.
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5 Property Feng Shui Features To Look Out For
5 Property Feng Shui Features To Look Out For
Source : iMoney
By : Dato Joey Yap

Feng Shui today is very much a word that people would associate as a practice in understanding if a home, property or general area is considered 'good' or 'bad', 'auspicious' and 'inauspicious'. These terms get thrown around so much so that we tend to lose logic and rationale in the rush to make Feng Shui more approachable. That is why it is always important to understand why Feng Shui is not just about making money or enhancing 'good luck'. For starters, there is a need to ask three simple questions when studying a property and its land - what exactly is bad, how bad it is, and why is it bad to begin with.
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Yearly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
Yearly Forecast 2015 : Career & Love
By : Dato Joey Yap


During the year 2015, both your creative and intellectual energies will soar placing you in a much better situation than your opponents. Follow your instincts as they will lead you down a smoother path thanks to the help of the Elegant Seal Star. From there you will find poise, enlightenment and liberation to help you make better decisions in your life. Take control of your career and business as this is the year of prosperity for you especially if you are into the arts. You will be seen, your essence will radiate and you will inspire all with your burning passion. Take that educational or artistic course you have been planning for so long as it will give you a boost to the top.

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Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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October 2014
Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Gaining the High Ground with Feng Shui
Gaining the High Ground with Feng Shui
Source : Property Insight
By : Dato Joey Yap

Despite the inflating property prices in the local and global property market, property investing continues to be an incentive in our country's target in becoming a high-income nation. Investing in property nowadays is not just about signing documents anymore. Instead of merely looking at the conventional world where ratios, gearing, returns, profits or countless other indicators are the determining factors for investment, we now look to an unconventional method - namely, the Feng Shui perspective.
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September 2014
Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Debunking the Sha Qi Myths
Debunking the Sha Qi Myths
Source : Renonation(September Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

These days, people have become fearful of the Sha Qi bogey man. In fact, some people even go to the extent of being fearful about sharp objects of any kind within their home and outside of their home. Shelves are banded, cactus is forbidden and objects with pointy ends are relegated to the drawer.
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Discover the Successful Manager in You
Discover the Successful Manager in You
Source : SME (September Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

To create a great organisation, it is important to have a great manager and also an able leader who can manage a team of people efficiently and effectively. Management skills are crucial in utilising available resources to encourage team members to work together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. There are certain efforts needed in management to plan, organize, delegate, lead and control an organisation to accomplish the common goal.
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August 2014
Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

現代的屋子很流行室內裝置 ‘水’的擺設如小型池塘或魚缸等,讓家居看起來更有生氣。
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Diffusing Difficult People through BaZi Profiling
Diffusing Difficult People through BaZi Profiling
Source : SME (August Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

From a BaZi Chart, you can ascertain the manner and nature in which a person's difficult nature will manifest when a person isn't in their best frame of mind. Realising a person is difficult and appreciating how they are going to be difficult with in their dealings with you is very useful. Knowing how to deal with people's difficult personality traits, however, is what we as modern Metaphysics students are interested in - how to solve problems, not just diagnose them!
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Positive Buildings
Positive Buildings
Source : Creative Home
By : Dato Joey Yap

While looking for a new apartment, it's important to refine your options by selecting the right building. Here are a few things to look into.
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July 2014
Buyers win with ancient strategies
Buyers win with ancient strategies
Source : Property Guru Sg (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Property buyers got a glimpse of how emperors and sages in ancient China used the Sage Art of War, also known as Qi Men Dun Jia, as a tactical 'weapon' to outwit enemies and win wars at an event last weekend.
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Source : (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Chinese Metaphysics and Astrology, Datuk Joey Yap deliver his speech during a live seminar about Go Forth and Conquer With The Sage Art Of War in Kuala Lumpur, recently.
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Complex Task of Urban Planning
Complex Task of Urban Planning
Source : ST Property (Singapore online)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Feng Shui has increasingly become a selling-point for property developers these days. From a marketing standpoint, it is easy to understand why property developers are paying more attention to Feng Shui issues - more and more buyers nowadays are placing greater emphasis on Feng Shui considerations.
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Right Way to Handle SHA QI
Right Way to Handle SHA QI
Source : Ivory Living (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

One of my earliest articles was about how people are easily frightened by Sha Qi, to the extent that everything sharp and pointy becomes a Feng Shui bogeyman. While identifying Sha Qi in an area is important, you can't really expect to live in a civilised place without some kind of pointy or sharp object somewhere in the vicinity of your property. So it is all a matter of knowing what you are looking at, and being able to make a judgment call on the Sha Qi in question.
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Bedroom Feng Shui
Bedroom Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

The bedroom is a rather important spot when it comes to providing a peaceful environment for healthy sleeping. Here, Dato' Joey Yap shares a few pointers about creating good bedroom Feng Shui.
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Transforming Corporate Culture with the Right Qi
Transforming Corporate Culture with the Right Qi
Source : SME (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

One of the great challenges for organisations and companies of today is talent recruitment and retention. In today's highly mobile world, a young graduate or a capable manager can truly look upon the world as their oyster. Although in Asia, the primary concern of most employees remains financial: how much is the pay and what are the perks of the job? Yet increasingly, employees are also concerned about questions of the organisation's culture.
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Source : Property King (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Understanding Feng Shui Audits
Understanding Feng Shui Audits
Source : iProperty (July Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Before understanding what a Feng Shui audit entails, one has to first understand what ‘Feng Shui' is. An ancient art and science originating from China with its origins shrouded in myth and folklore, it dates back to at least 3000 years although some sources indicate it can be traced as far back as 5000 years ago. The ancient Chinese believed that the energies or forces in a land could either make or break a kingdom. These energies, known as Qi, are everywhere and permeate everything. It is a natural phenomenon of the living environment and can be likened to a flow of energy around as well as through the body, forming a cohesive, functioning unit. As such, it became important to be able to tap and harness the Qi of the living environment in order to help endeavours in life.
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June 2014
Driven by Destiny
Driven by Destiny
Source : Calibre
By : Dato Joey Yap

Clarity at crossroads can sometimes come from unusual sources, such as a BaZi reading. Understanding your passion through such means may just help you, or your child, target the perfect career path, says Joey Yap.
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Handling A Difficult Boss Through BaZi Profiling
Handling A Difficult Boss Through BaZi Profiling
Source : SME (June Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Most people have worked for a 'difficult' boss. If you haven't had the 'pleasure' yet then it is almost assured that at some point you will find yourself working with or for someone who makes unreasonable demands of you.
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Eco-friendly, Feng Shui-friendly?
Eco-friendly, Feng Shui-friendly?
Source : iProperty (June Issue 112)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Going Green is no longer a movement pushed to the forefront by tree huggers around the world, it has become a lifestyle of late, a way of living, rather. Being eco-friendly is more than just aiming towards minimizing the catastrophic impacts of global warming; it is about creating and maintaining a sustainable living for us and the future generation. As they say in order to start big, you start small, and you begin from your very own home.
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Fencing Feng Shui
Fencing Feng Shui
Source : Property Lifestyle (May/ June Issue 12)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Fences are the sentinels and protectors of your landed property. In Feng Shui, it helps to direct, coagulate or redirect Qi. T-junction roads, negative poles or sharp corners from your neighbor can be resolved through correctly placed or constructed fences.
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Disclosing the Art of BaZi Profiling
Disclosing the Art of BaZi Profiling
Source : Jom Cari (June Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

For most of us, choosing a career path can be a confusing and anxiety-filled process. When you are job searching, there comes a point where you would ask yourself: What am I good at and what kind of job is suitable for me? Finding the right job is likened to finding the right fit to your personalities, strengths and character. Therefore, your personality is the key to finding a career that's right for you.
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围墙和闸门的奥秘 如何避免气的流失
围墙和闸门的奥秘 如何避免气的流失
Source : Property King (June Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Living with Highways & Railways
Living with Highways & Railways
Source : Creative Home (June Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

With the widespread ongoing extension of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) lines in Klang Valley currently, you may find yourself questioning how this may impact your property in terms of Feng Shui.
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May 2014
The Pointy Issue of Internal Feng Shui
The Pointy Issue of Internal Feng Shui
Source : Renonation (May Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

It is common to hear about Sha Qi when one talks about Feng Shui. Sha Qi translates as "Killing Qi", a term that often strikes fear in many - at times, for the wrong reasons.
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Source : Property King (May Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Identifying A Difficult Person Using BaZi Profiling
Identifying A Difficult Person Using BaZi Profiling
Source : SME (May Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

In last month's article, I talked about how a person's BaZi Chart (Four Pillars of Destiny) can be used to categorise people. Each person has many different qualities and they have one of five BaZi Structures. This month, I want to share with you some insight into handling each of these five Structure types when the person in question is going through a period of 'extreme' behaviour. This occurrence is caused by an imbalance in the elements in the persons BaZi chart. When this happens, the person in question becomes very difficult to handle.
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He Tu & Luo Shu: The Twin Pillars of Classical Feng Shui
He Tu & Luo Shu: The Twin Pillars of Classical Feng Shui
Source : IProperty (May Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Some practitioners can walk into a property, take a look at it, accurately tell what has happened there, and predict what will happen to its occupants in the future - without a Luo Pan in sight.
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A Faster Way to Sell Your Home
A Faster Way to Sell Your Home
Source : Creative Home (May Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

The more adept you're in the art of Feng Shui, the faster you'll embrace the fact that our living environments provides a powerful potential that can manifest a greater balance in our lives. This way, it is not necessarily a far-fetched concept for one to achieve if they wish to adorn their living environment with harmony and rejuvenating energies, which they could happily benefit in both their personal living abode or in their property market, such as the case of realtor agents.
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April 2014
Source : Property King ( Apr Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Simple Feng Shui Touches for Children's Room
Simple Feng Shui Touches for Children's Room
Source : LBS (April Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Putting the right Feng Shui touches to your children's space can create positive effects that lead to vibrant, healthy and harmonious growth. Good Feng Shui promotes a clean, open area where Qi or natural energy can gather, and this also eliminates the problems of cluttered space that we have come to associate children's room with. Therefore, your children will feel empowered, energized and loved in a space where Feng Shui and open, clean design are nicely balanced.
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Profiling using BaZi Astrology
Profiling using BaZi Astrology
Source : SME (Apr Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Personality profiling and performance predicting tests have now become standard within large corporations and multinationals. There is no end to the systems that have been developed for this task; you may be familiar with the Jung-Myers-Briggs assessment, DISC profiling or even the Kiersey Temperament Sorter. Employers are always looking for systems that will allow them to understand what a person is good and bad at with a simple endgame: to put the right people in the right job positions so that a company may capitalize on the skills of its employees with maximum efficiency. If you put someone suited to research into a managerial position, for example, then you can expect problems.
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The Kitchen & Your Health
The Kitchen & Your Health
Source : Creative Home (Apr Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Ultimately, the kitchen is a place where the family prepares and stores their food. Hence, from a Feng Shui's eye view, it draws a linear impact to the family's health and finance department. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, so let's crack open some common mistakes you may find in a kitchen!
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March 2014
Source : Property King
By : Dato Joey Yap

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Embracing Water with Feng Shui
Embracing Water with Feng Shui
Source : Renonation SG
By : Dato Joey Yap

In this issue, let us take a look at the common internal features to observe when evaluating the Feng Shui of a property with the placement of Water or interior Water. One general rule for any unfavorable internal form. We must determine if it is a curable situation though not every situation needs curing, and in some cases, passing up on the property may be your best bet. The idea is to find a place that already has a good Feng Shui Quotient where you can spend money on improving, not fixing.
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Is Your Head Office Built to Last?
Is Your Head Office Built to Last?
Source : IProperty (Apr Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

The ability of a business to own its own building or build a headquarters is universally seen as indication of the business or organisation's achievement, success and of course, a symbol of prestige. Being the CEO or MD at the helm of a company or organization when it achieves the financial heft to own its own building or build its own building (or move into a bigger building) is not just a great achievement. It's an opportunity for a CEO or MD to stamp their mark on the organization for posterity. And this is when you get iconic architectural structures, outstanding and bold designs and buildings that could double up as works of art as the CEOs go all out to ensure the building stands-out and is unforgettable.
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Know Your Power Bones
Know Your Power Bones
Source : SME (Mar Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

In Chinese Face Reading or Mian Xiang, the cheeks can reveal a lot about a person. The cheeks - or rather, cheekbones - are known as Power Bones, as they indicate willpower as well as the ability to wield power. In other words, this feature determines a person's influence and power, and strong cheekbones indicate the ability to wield authority well. The cheeks also represent a person's luck and fortunes in life at ages between 46 and 47.
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Who Moved My Qi?
Who Moved My Qi?
Source : Creative Home (Mar Issue 124)
By : Dato Joey Yap

While occupying a triangular or oval shaped structure may seem like a novel idea, you may find yourself questioning what sort of impact such an unusually shaped property has on Feng Shui and Dato' Joey Yap shares some insights on this issue.
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February  2014
Source : Big Orange
By : Joey Yap

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Source : 地產王 (Property King)
By : Joey Yap

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12 signs of the Zodiac forecast in 2014
12 signs of the Zodiac forecast in 2014
Source : ParGolf (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Expect a promising outlook in your year, especially where money matters are concerned. Your hard work will be well rewarded, and you may find lucrative returns from your investments.
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Horsing Around
Horsing Around
Source : Creative Home (Feb Issue 123)
By : Joey Yap

Expect a promising outlook in your year, especially where money matters are concerned. Your hard work will be well rewarded, and you may find lucrative returns from your investments.
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Your Prospects for 2014 According to Your Animal Sign
Your Prospects for 2014 According to Your Animal Sign
Source : SME (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

The year of the Wood Horse is finally here. This means a brand new forecast is revealed for each of the Twelve Animal Signs in Chinese Astrology.
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2014's Animal Sign Forecast
2014's Animal Sign Forecast
Source : I Property (Feb Issue 108)
By : Joey Yap

The year of the Wood Horse has finally arrived! Let's see what the year holds for each of the Twelve Animal Signs in Chinese Astrology
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January 2014
Frequently Asked Questions on Chinese Metaphysics
Frequently Asked Questions on Chinese Metaphysics
Source : STProperty (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

The most important thing is to look at ourselves and become better. Only by becoming better we can do better.
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On The Year of The Wood Horse (2014)
On The Year of The Wood Horse (2014)
Source : Property LifeStyle (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

What is your opinion about the rising cost of living and other challenges of the coming year?
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Chinese Astrology for 2014
Twelve Animal Signs Forecast for Year of the Wood Horse
Chinese Astrology for 2014 Twelve Animal Signs Forecast for Year of the Wood Horse
Source : Jom Cari (Jan Issue)
By : Dato Joey Yap

Your outlook for career and wealth is favourable for as long as you're willing to put in the hard work. This year, your main focus should be on improving your personal wellbeing and your relationships with others.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)

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Feng Shui for 2014: Year of the Wood Horse
Feng Shui for 2014: Year of the Wood Horse
Source : Journey with LBS (Jan - Mar Vol5)
By : Joey Yap

As the slow and lethargic energy takes leave with the Water Snake (2013), 2014 will be a year filled with vitality, excitement and strength that is associated with the Wood Horse. However, before one gallops headlong into adventure, it is important to know what to encourage and what to avoid for 2014 in terms of Feng Shui to ensure a smoother year ahead for you.
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Debunking Cemetary Myths
Debunking Cemetary Myths
Source : Ivory Living (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Revealing the truth about the burial ground from the Feng Shui perspective.
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Which career should you pursue?
Which career should you pursue?
Source : SME (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Perhaps you are now at an important crossroads in your life. After you have graduated from university or your tertiary studies, you have an idea of what you want to do with your life after spending some time studying it.
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12 Animal Signs Forecast Year of The Wood Horse
12 Animal Signs Forecast Year of The Wood Horse
Source : Renonation (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Your outlook for career and wealth is favourable for as long as you're willing to put in the hard work.
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An Outdoor Perspective
An Outdoor Perspective
Source : Creative Home (Jan Issue 122)
By : Joey Yap

If you thought that Feng Shui begins inside your home, then you are mistaken as Dato' Joey Yap shares some insightful advice on outdoor Feng Shui.
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Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2014
Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2014
Source : I Property (Jan Issue 107)
By : Joey Yap

With the departure of the Water Snake's slow energy, we welcome the lively and powerful energy of the Wood Horse this Chinese New Year. The Year of the Wood Horse signifies all the vitality, excitement and strength of its namesake, and brings a year filled with adventures and challenges.
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Galloping For Great Health
Galloping For Great Health
Source : Glow Magazine (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Joey says: The Horse is in for a good year but do be weary of minor problems along the way.
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December 2013
Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2014
Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2014
Source : Star Property (Dec Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Another year is soon to pass. With the departure of the Water Snake's slow energy, we welcome the lively and powerful energy of the Wood Horse.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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The Trouble with Busy Environments
The Trouble with Busy Environments
Source : I Property (Dec Issue 106)
By : Joey Yap

When airports, industrial parks or shipping ports are built, they are generally built at relatively far away from urban areas. But as a city expands it is just inevitable that what was once the outskirts slowly become prime real estate.
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Gifting It Right With Feng Shui
Gifting It Right With Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Dec Issue 121)
By : Joey Yap

What impact does Feng Shui have on your gift giving practices? It is interesting to note that the Chinese community operate under their own unique culture when it comes to giving and receiving gifts.
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Is your HQ built to last?
Is your HQ built to last?
Source : SME (Dec Issue)
By : Joey Yap

The ability of a business to own its own building or build a headquarters is universally seen as indication of the business or organization's achievement, success and of course, a symbol of prestige.
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November 2013
Feng Shui: Who moved my Qi?
Feng Shui: Who moved my Qi?
Source : Star Property (Nov Issue)
By : Joey Yap

In this day and age, it's not unusual to find properties with adventurous designs and shapes as architects and designers take advantage of new innovations and ideas to construct buildings.
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Feng Shui is a SCIENCE, not MAGIC
Feng Shui is a SCIENCE, not MAGIC
Source : Property LifeStyle (Nov/Dec Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Many people equate Feng Shui consultants with miracle-making abilities. Clients sometimes think that Feng Shui consultants can wave a magic wand, apply a formula and make all their problems disappear or turn them into millionaires when they follow certain water formulas. Feng Shui does not work like that.
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High-rise Feng Shui
High-rise Feng Shui
Source : 2013 Mapex Show Guide (Nov Issue 03)
By : Joey Yap

In recent years, apartment and condominium have become increasingly popular in Johor and Iskandar Malaysia. Dealing with Feng Shui for apartments, condos and high rise buildings is quite different from landed property.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

俗语说“愉悦”能医百病,保持开心的情绪确实能减少很多的文明病症,如精神紧张, 恐慌, 疲倦, 高血压,忧郁症,情绪症,躁鬱症,自杀倾向等等。其实, 工作本身并不会给你任何的压力。
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Source : 地產王 (Property King)
By : Joey Yap

經過多年的風水學術研究和教學,我時常都會遇到很多客户詢問有關室內設計的疑問, 乃至今日還是有很多人認爲風水是種迷信的概念。
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The Business Case for a Feng Shui Consultation
The Business Case for a Feng Shui Consultation
Source : I Property (Nov Issue 105)
By : Joey Yap

This article explains why a Feng Shui consultation is a smart investment when it comes to business.
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Who Should You Trust?
Who Should You Trust?
Source : SME (Nov Issue)
By : Joey Yap

In our day-to-day interactions with other people, we often have a hard time telling apart those in whom we can place our trust and those in whom we can't.
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True Feng Shui
True Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Nov Issue 120)
By : Joey Yap

Authentically, Feng Shui is truly about optimizing the flow of Qi to make it work to your advantage.
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October 2013
Are You on the Right Career Track
Are You on the Right Career Track
Source : SME (Oct Issue)
By : Joey Yap

A job is something adults in our contemporary world engage in on a daily basis. For most of us, a life without work is unimaginable or more precisely, unsustainable.
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Don't sweat the small stuff
Don't sweat the small stuff
Source : Renonation (Oct Issue 01)
By : Joey Yap

I have been fortunate enough to have been involved in Feng Shui for most of my adult life.
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House Hunting With Feng Shui Externals
House Hunting With Feng Shui Externals
Source : I Property (Oct Issue 104)
By : Joey Yap

It makes sense to think carefully about the place you're going to live in and choose the one that will be conducive to you.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

較早前,在網絡視頻網 YouTube 盛傳的多則公益短片獲得大衆的熱烈回響,印象深刻的莫過於加拿大廣告《你的最後10年是怎樣》、臺灣大衆銀行電視廣告之騎士篇、泰國人壽保險廣告等等,這些感人的故事情節喚起了大衆對生命的了解,也對健康有了新的啓發。
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Fencing Lessons
Fencing Lessons
Source : Creative Home (Oct Issue 119)
By : Joey Yap

Fences are more than just about aesthetics as it can affect Qi flow. Joey Yap shares some tips on picking the right fence for your home.
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September 2013
House-hunting with Feng Shui in mind
House-hunting with Feng Shui in mind
Source : Star Property (Sep Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Most people tend to feel a connection between a hefty price tag and the house of their dream.
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Slaying the Sha Qi Demons
Slaying the Sha Qi Demons
Source : Property LifeStyle (Sep/Oct Issue 08)
By : Joey Yap

Last week I talked about how, due to misinformation and misunderstandings, people have become fearful of the Sha Qi bogey man. Some people even go to the extent of being fearful about sharp objects of any kind within their home and outside of their home.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

擇日的用途甚為廣泛, 除了用於嫁娶、商業活動、開市、動土、剖腹分娩、修造、出行等,現在人們更可以利用擇日的學問和技巧,為自己訂製節食和治療的日子,以達到正面和積極的效果。
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Feng Shui: Living With Highways and Railways
Feng Shui: Living With Highways and Railways
Source : I Property (Sep Issue 103)
By : Joey Yap

When it comes to developed cities, living near highways or railways is considered the norm. Even if you don't know, chances are that you will find yourself living next to one several years down the road as the city continues to expand.
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Feng Shui Valuate Your Business
Feng Shui Valuate Your Business
Source : SME (Sep Issue)
By : Joey Yap

This week, I'm going to share with you how you can use information obtained from super-imposing the Eight Squares of Business over your office floor plan to gain a snapshot of which aspect of your business or which division of your organization, is putting a drag on your bottom line.
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Feng Shui for Your Kid's Room
Feng Shui for Your Kid's Room
Source : Creative Home (Sep Issue)
By : Joey Yap

You can incorporate these easy and simple Feng Shui methods to begin changes in your kid's little sanctuary; and also find your own version of fun in fundamental!
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August 2013
Feng Shui: What you should know before you renovate
Feng Shui: What you should know before you renovate
Source : Star Property (Aug Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Congratulations, you just purchased a new property! Now, you have some ideas to make some changes-maybe knock a wall or two down or shift the main door a little.
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Why do property developers use Feng Shui?
Why do property developers use Feng Shui?
Source : Star Property (Aug Issue)
By : Joey Yap

It is a well-known fact; most people associate Feng Shui with homes. Those who practise Feng Shui believe it can bring prosperity, well-being and overall success to the lives of those who practice it.
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Lighting up LUCK
Lighting up LUCK
Source : Creative Home (Aug Issue 117)
By : Joey Yap

Balance is key to good lighting at home, not only for creating excellent interior spaces; but also for an optimal flow of good Qi.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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The Eight Squares of Business
The Eight Squares of Business
Source : SME (Aug Issue)
By : Joey Yap

One of the key purposes of a Feng Shui audit is to identify the problems that are affecting the organization or business.
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July 2013
Feng Shui For The Office Cubicle
Feng Shui For The Office Cubicle
Source : SME (Jul Issue)
By : Joey Yap

It's no secret that most working adults spend a good majority of their daily lives at the workplace.
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Change without WORRY
Change without WORRY
Source : Creative Home (Jul Issue)
By : Joey Yap

When it comes to redecorating, there really is no need to sweat the small stuff such as décor and paint color, find out more with Joey Yap.
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Feng Shui For Apartment And High-Rise Living
Feng Shui For Apartment And High-Rise Living
Source : I Property (Jul Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Although challenging, applying Feng Shui to a fixed or limited space can be done.
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Scary Sha Qi
Scary Sha Qi
Source : Property LifeStyle (Jul/Aug Issue)
By : Joey Yap

I've gotten a lot of emails from readers of this column for more 'how to' Feng Shui.
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June 2013
He Tu & Luo Shu: The twin pillars of classical Feng Shui
He Tu & Luo Shu: The twin pillars of classical Feng Shui
Source : Star Property (Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Some practitioners can walk into a property, take a look at it, accurately tell its history, and predict what will happen to its occupants in the future - without a luo pan (Chinese magnetic compass) in sight.
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Debunking Cemetary Myths
Debunking Cemetary Myths
Source : I Property (Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Some people are so petrified of cemeteries that the mere mention of the word is enough to evoke a certain sense of distress and uneasiness in them. However, it is baseless and irrelevant for people to harbor a fear of burial grounds and memorial parks.
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Source : SME (Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

One of the best ways to maximize the opportunities for your individual financial growth is to tailor it to your specific talents and capabilities, and not to tread the same path as others just because others are doing it.
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Moving things AROUND
Moving things AROUND
Source : Creative Home (Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

If the positioning of certain things in your home is less than desirable, learn to work around them, rather than giving up.
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May 2013
Feng Shui: The Shape of Your House
Feng Shui: The Shape of Your House
Source : Star Property (May Issue)
By : Joey Yap

When you are purchasing a house or building a new one from scratch, there is a need to take into consideration the overall design of the property. Property design does play a vital role because a property is thought as a container of qi.
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Flying Stars Feng Shui
Flying Stars Feng Shui
Source : I Property (May Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Get to know the unique qualities of these stars and the crucial role that each has to play.
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Real Story On Feng Shui
Real Story On Feng Shui
Source : Property LifeStyle (May/Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

When someone mentions Feng Shui to you, you probably see a vision of bamboo flutes and wind chimes, think of ba gua mirrors or perhaps recall something about lucky frogs.
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Demystifying Lower Ground Units
Demystifying Lower Ground Units
Source : Creative Home (May Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Make sure there are no major objects obstructing your own Main Door, as you'd want to ensure a smooth flow of Qi is sustained all the way from the Ground level.
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Date Selection For Job Interviews
Date Selection For Job Interviews
Source : SME (May Issue)
By : Joey Yap

One of the most nerve - wracking yet common experiences of modern life is the job interview.
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April 2013
The Feng Shui Of Staircases
The Feng Shui Of Staircases
Source : Star Property (Apr Issue)
By : Joey Yap

There are several common internal features to take note upon when it comes to evaluating the Feng Shui of a property. One of them is the staircase. What is considered favorable or unfavorable when it comes to staircases?
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Feng Shui consultation: an INVESTMENT
Feng Shui consultation: an INVESTMENT
Source : Creative Home (Apr Issue)
By : Joey Yap

View a Feng Shui consultation as an investment and you will see how implementing Feng Shui screening can help save plenty of money.
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Feng Shui Quick Fixes
Feng Shui Quick Fixes
Source : I Property (Apr Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Achieving a well-balanced Feng Shui in your home takes time. However, for those who cannot wait, here are some easy methods to consider.
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The Business Case For A Feng Shui Consultation
The Business Case For A Feng Shui Consultation
Source : SME (Apr Issue)
By : Joey Yap

One of the small luxuries that the Feng Shui consulting business enjoys is that it is often not necessary to make a business case for a Feng Shui audit.
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March 2013
The misconceptions of Water and Feng Shui
The misconceptions of Water and Feng Shui
Source : Star Property (Mar Issue)
By : Joey Yap

The last two months have featured articles that touched on the application of the water formula and placement of water in feng shui for the home. For this issue, let's set the record straight on some common misconceptions on how water is used in classical feng shui.
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Identifying The Right Talent For the Job
Identifying The Right Talent For the Job
Source : SME (Mar Issue)
By : Joey Yap

A high employee turnover rate brings sleepless nights to HR managers. There are many challenges faced by HR professionals today in identifying a candidate's innate skills and talents for the job.
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Feng Shui For Realtors
Feng Shui For Realtors
Source : I Property (Mar 97 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

A little knowledge in Feng Shui can give real estate agents an edge over their competitors and help them stand out in front of potential clients.
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February  2013
Improvements, growth in Year of Water Snake
Improvements, growth in Year of Water Snake
Source : Borneo (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

KOTA KINABALU: There are signs of growth and improvement in the Year of the Water Snake after a tough year of the Water Dragon, said Feng Shui practitioner Joey Yap.
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How to spot a place with good 'qi' to call home
How to spot a place with good 'qi' to call home
Source : Star Property (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

A Latin proverb states, "He makes his home where the living is best". But the process of making our home a heaven on earth begins with the very core of its natural surroundings before anything else.
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Feng Shui for long-term property investment
Feng Shui for long-term property investment
Source : I Property (Feb 96 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

From the Feng Shui perspective, the best properties to invest in are those located on top of hills and mountains.
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Do you have the determination to succeed?
Do you have the determination to succeed?
Source : SME (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Ninety percent of success, as the saying goes, is just showing up whether or not you succeed depends a lot on whether you're present in the moment to succeed, and whether you remain present and stay the course till the end.
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Go with Joey Yap reveals what Feng Shui really is
Go with Joey Yap reveals what Feng Shui really is
Source : Home Decor (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

I've always approached feng shui with a small dose of skepticism. The idea of how distant stars govern our lives seems a little outlandish- let alone the existence of the elusive qi.
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The Water Snake Part 2
The Water Snake Part 2
Source : Creative Home (Feb 111 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Another year beckons as we bid farewell to the Water Dragon of 2012 and prepare to welcome the Water Snake in 2013. A brand new forecast is revealed for each of the Twelve Animal Signs in Chinese Astrology, so let's preview how they'd fare in the coming New Year.
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January 2013
Your Animal Sign In the Water Snake Year
Your Animal Sign In the Water Snake Year
Source : I Property (Jan 95 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Another year beckons as we bid farewell to the Water Dragon of 2012 and prepare to welcome the Water Snake in 2013.
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Your Animal Sign In The Water Snake Year By JOEY YAP
Your Animal Sign In The Water Snake Year By JOEY YAP
Source : Property LifeStyle (Jan/Feb 04 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Another year beckons as we bid farewell to the Water Dragon of 2012 and prepare to welcome the Water Snake in 2013.
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The Water Snake Part 1
The Water Snake Part 1
Source : Creative Home (Jan 110 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Another year beckons as we bid farewell to the Water Dragon of 2012 and prepare to welcome the Water Snake in 2013.
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December 2012
Perfect Timing is Everything
Perfect Timing is Everything
Source : STProperty (Dec Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Why date selection, or ZeRi, is widely used in marriage proposals, jobs interviews, etc
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Feng Shui Your Serviced Apartments
Feng Shui Your Serviced Apartments
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

Serviced apartments are internationally defined as furnished apartments which are let out for short-term stays with amenities for daily use. Many of us are starting to consider these when travelling, given that they are often less expensive than hotel suites and often also provide more space and privacy.
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Decoding Closer Myths
Decoding Closer Myths
Source : Creative Home (Dec 109 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Squeaky wardrobe door can be a nuisance, but to say that it emits Sha Qi is rather exaggerating. Read on to find out more!
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2013 蛇年
2013 蛇年 十二生肖流年運程
Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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November 2012
Leaving No Stone Unturned
Leaving No Stone Unturned
Source : STProperty
By : Joey Yap

How your life 'gua' determines your wealth
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Bridging BaZi and Feng Shui
Bridging BaZi and Feng Shui
Source : STProperty
By : Joey Yap

Uncovering a problem to your situation is oftentimes more effective if an examination of your BaZi Chart and a Feng Shui assessment are included together
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Dispelling myths about the lower ground unit
Dispelling myths about the lower ground unit
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

If your lower ground unit is located directly above a car park, it could be an unfortunate arrangement.
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Source : I Property (Nov 93 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Buying a property overseas is no longer such a daunting task nowadays with the availability of various online tools to assess the potential of your purchase right from the comfort of home.
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October 2012
Your Wealth Outlook for 2013
Your Wealth Outlook for 2013
Source : STProperty
By : Joey Yap

A glimpse of how your Animal Sign will juggle money in 2013, the year of the Water Snake
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Go Sky High With Feng Shui
Go Sky High With Feng Shui
Source : I Property (Oct 92 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Selecting the right property could be a nightmare, especially for those with no prior knowledge of the criteria with which they should evaluate the former. The challenge is even harder for high-rise buildings compared to landed property.
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Doorway to haven
Doorway to haven
Source : Creative Home (Oct Issue)
By : Joey Yap

A door is just a door. Or is it? Don not be supprised, but the entrance to your home plays a very big role as it affects Qi flow of the entire house.
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September 2012
Love Your Children, Love Their Rooms
Love Your Children, Love Their Rooms
Source : Creative Home (Sept 106 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Interestingly, Many People Tend To Think That Feng Shui Eludes The Little Ones. Just Like How Cinema Discounts The Entrance Fee For Children, They Have This Same Mentality That Feng Shui (Or The Lack Of Good Amount Of It) Has Alse Certain Degree Of Mercy And Exclusion Towards The Well-Being Of Their Juniors!
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Myth Busters
Myth Busters
Source : Home Decor (Sept Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Debunking misconceptions of Feng Shui.

Joey Yap distinguishes fact from fiction.
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Complete Task of Urban Planning by Joey Yap
Complete Task of Urban Planning by Joey Yap
Source : Property + lifestyle
By : Joey Yap

Feng Shui has increasingly become a selling-point for property developers these days. From a marketing standpoint, it is easy to understand why property developers are paying more attention to Feng Shui issues - more and more buyers nowadays are placing greater emphasis on Feng Shui considerations. As the public becomes more educated about Feng Shui, developers have to be more prepared to answer difficult questions when buyers approached them to buy property.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

当谈到风水,我总是告诉大家这是没有秘密可言,只有常识。常识会告诉你关于煞气的大小问题(像电塔), 补救措施将煞气的作用和影响减至最低。
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August 2012
Joey Yap: Have a good day
Joey Yap: Have a good day
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

In Chinese Metaphysics, ZeRi or what is popularly known as Date Selection, is one of the many branches of study that can have an impact on our daily lives and decision-making.
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Bathroom Placement that prospers
Bathroom Placement that prospers
Source : Creative Home (Aug 105 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Probably the most common Misconceptions in Feng Shui are the one revolving toilets. Over the years, the toiler or bathroom has become the unfortunate poster child for bad Feng Shui due to its calamitous reputation for "Flushing" away your wealth and fortune.
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Embracing Water with Feng Shui
Embracing Water with Feng Shui
Source : I Property (Aug 90 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

In this issue, let us take a look at the common internal features to observe when evaluating the Feng Shui of a property with the placement of Water or interior Water. One general rule for any unfavorable internal form.
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Source : Home Decor
By : Joey Yap

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眉毛预示 肝肺拉警报
眉毛预示 肝肺拉警报
Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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July 2012
Water Features at home
Water Features at home
Source : I Property (Jul Issue)
By : Joey Yap

We take a look at the common internal features when evaluating the feng shui of a property with the placement of Water or Interior Water. The idea is to find a place with a good feng shui quotient so that we can improve on it and not fix it.
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Joey Yap: Aquarium power
Joey Yap: Aquarium power
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

It is not uncommon these days to notice huge aquariums stocked with various species of tropical fish
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Feng Shui- of land and building shapes
Feng Shui- of land and building shapes
Source : B & I Magazine (Vol 22)
By : Joey Yap

Following our previous articles on feng shui, this fifth instalment focus on how the physical shapes of land and building will affect the distribution of Qi.
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Getting Over The Dining Room Paranoia
Getting Over The Dining Room Paranoia
Source : Creative Home (104 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

It is common to find people getting so paranoid about every design aspect of their dining rooms to a point where reason is abandoned, and the perspective of feng shui becomes more superstitious than scientific. this is because they often incorrectly associate wealth with the food.
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观察耳朵特征 - 看看身体有哪些毛病?
观察耳朵特征 - 看看身体有哪些毛病?
Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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June 2012
Property Developers and Feng Shui
Property Developers and Feng Shui
Source : I Property (Jun Issue)
By : Joey Yap

It is a fact well-known; most people associate Feng Shui with homes as many come to appreciate the positive impacts of feng shui to the lives of its practitioners. Among some of the benefits include prosperity, well-being and overall success in life. This time, Joey Yap unearths the reason why environology is so common among developers.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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May 2012
Getting to the
Getting to the "Heart" of the Matter
Source : Creative Home X
By : Joey Yap

The kitchen is considered the "Heart" of the house as far as Feng Shui is concerned. As a fire element, unfavorable kitchen Feng Shui can affect the harmony and health of the occupants in that because the stove receives good Qi during the cooking process and this Qi is then transferred to the food you consume after. This is how good Qi is absorbed and affects people.
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April 2012
Green Energy
Green Energy
Source : Home & Decor
By : Joey Yap

Do plants affect the Feng Shui of our environment? This article gives you a different perspective about Qi and plants.
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

「面相」,顾名思义就是根据一个人的面部特征和相貌来评估性格和命运等事情的学术。 面相学的历史十分悠久,传说在黄帝时代(公元前2700年 - 公园前2150年)就已经存在此学术。当时的人就通过观察脸形、脸上的纹、骨骼结构、轮廓和气色来发展出这套学术。
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March 2012
Joey Yap: Cultivate positive thinking
Joey Yap: Cultivate positive thinking
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

Do you believe that invisible energies affect our lives? Don't dismiss the idea as nonsense just yet.
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Cultivating A High Appreciation Property
Cultivating A High Appreciation Property
Source : I Property (Mar Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Amidst fluctuating local and global property prices, the property market is said to be a catalyst to Malaysia's High Income Nation Goal according to the Housing and Local Government Minister, Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung. We take a look at the environology factors that shape a high appreciation property.
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Let Qi in
Let Qi in
Source : Creative Home (100 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

The previous issue has significantly emphasized the vitality of the Main Door of a property as the 'mouth of Qi', a passage through which the life force is harnessed, sustained and circulated throughout the entire property. I don't think I could articulate its importance enough - your Main Door should never be obstructed!
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Source : Long Life (大家健康)
By : Joey Yap

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Year of the Water Dragon with Feng Shui
Year of the Water Dragon with Feng Shui
Source : HSBC Magazine - March 2012 (12 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Besides the views of the HSBC Global Asset Management team, Feng Shui master Joey Yap also shared his thoughts on the possible impact of the Water Dragon on the world's economy in year 2012.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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February  2012
How Much Does Your Property Value?
How Much Does Your Property Value?
Source : I Property (Feb Issue)
By : Joey Yap

These days, a property is no longer a unit we maximize for our personal residence; it has become an investment with high returns and long-term profits as well. This kind of investment relates not only to the concept of buy-and-sell but also rental yield.
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Why realtors should learn Feng Shui
Why realtors should learn Feng Shui
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

One of the world's most prominent property moguls, Donald Trump, is conspicuous not only for his outspoken nature and no-nonsense approach to life, but he is well known for his savvy business deals as well.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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January 2012
Joey Yap: Prevent Afflictions
Joey Yap: Prevent Afflictions
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

Home may be where the heart is but many of us spend a fortune and endless hours improving our homes.
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The Ups of 2012's Downs
The Ups of 2012's Downs
Source : I Property (Jan Issue)
By : Joey Yap

Looking to boost of your commercial endeavours early in 2012? Then, just face in the right direction when working as your workstation's location matters greatly in business. If you've been following the Flying Stars' annual updates, you would be familiar with the periodic afflictions only aggravate illness, misfortune and bring a great deal of hostility manifested by bad Qi.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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Door to Fortune
Door to Fortune
Source : Home & Decor
By : Joey Yap

How will 2012 affect you? Feng Shui expert, Joey Yap gives an overview of what's in store based on the direction of your main door.
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December 2011
Joey Yap: Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2012
Joey Yap: Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2012
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

As the Year of the Water Dragon intends to be as conquering as its nature with 2012 fast approaching, it is timely that we unveil the good, the ugly and the promising of next year. Let's pay homage to our next year's resolution by treating it to the complementary Flying Stars.
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Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2012
Flying Stars Feng Shui for 2012
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Believe it or not, time flies so fast it's hardly imaginable that we are nearing the end of 2011. As we get motivated towards achieving our personal goals, let's find out where the Flying Stars for the Year of the Water Dragon will gravitate, shall we?
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12 Animal Signs Forecast for 2012
12 Animal Signs Forecast for 2012
Source : Creative Home (97 Issue)
By : Joey Yap

How does your Animal Sign fare in the Year of the Water Dragon? Here's the gist of the 2012 Chinese Astrology:
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2012 year of the Water Dragon with Feng Shui
2012 year of the Water Dragon with Feng Shui
Source : Borneo Post (Bizhive Weekly)
By : Joey Yap

I have predicted that the year 2011 of the Metal Rabbit year to be volatile and towards the end of the year we would see the possibility of Europe abandoning Euro as the elements of metal and wood clashed.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖运程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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November 2011
8 Glasses a Day
8 Glasses a Day
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

Don't fret - you do not need exactly eight glasses of water to 'activate' your Feng Shui. In fact, it is not even sufficient! Water Feng Shui is undeniably one of the most fascinating aspects of Feng Shui. The two categories we can find are 'natural' and 'manmade'.
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Old Practice in a New Era
Old Practice in a New Era
Source : New Straits Times
By : Joey Yap

Master worshipping, where the master is held in such awe that he is not to be questioned, is not how most feng shui practitioners work these days.
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8 Glasses a Day
8 Glasses a Day
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Don't fret - you do not need exactly eight glasses of water to 'activate' your Feng Shui. In fact, it is not even sufficient! Water Feng Shui is undeniably one of the most fascinating aspects of Feng Shui. The two categories we can find are 'natural' and 'manmade'.
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Defining Feng Shui
Defining Feng Shui
Source : STProperty
By : Joey Yap

Is it art, science or a mixture of both?
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Feng Shui for office floor plans
Feng Shui for office floor plans
Source : Borneo Post (Bizhive Weekly)
By : Joey Yap

Essentially, when a particular sector has positive features in the space, the aspects (departments, divisions, business activities, personnel) that relate to that sector will generally have fewer glitches, problems or issues or show better progress or profitability.
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Getting to Know the Stars in Flying Stars Feng Shui
Getting to Know the Stars in Flying Stars Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home X
By : Joey Yap

With the current increased awareness of the awesome power of Feng Shui, the knowledge of Feng Shui being studied and exposed is reaching greater depths than ever before. People now know that Feng Shui is an extremely useful tool that works in aiding us towards our goals and objectives,and certainly not some 'magic' prescription (via object placement, amulets, etc.) that will flip our luck overnight!
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October 2011
Joey Yap: Power of Qi
Joey Yap: Power of Qi
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

Qi is regarded as a natural phenomenon of the environment. You can't see it or touch it. It doesn't make any sound or emit a scent. But it's there alright, all around us.
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Can You Feng Shui Everything?
Can You Feng Shui Everything?
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Feng Shui is a Chinese Metaphysical science where one learns to recognize and tap into the positive natural energies, or Qi, of the living environment to help with endeavors in life. "Living environment" here refers to places we inhabit such as your home or office.
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ObjecIs your HQ built to last?
ObjecIs your HQ built to last?
Source : Borneo Post (Bizhive Weekly)
By : Joey Yap

The ability of a business to own its own building or build a headquarters is universally seen as indication of the business or organisation’s achievement, success and, of course, a symbol of prestige.
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Applying Simple Feng Shui
Applying Simple Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Issue095)
By : Joey Yap

For the average person, evaluating the external macro environment and landforms is not something they can do without expert help. So if you want to Feng Shui-It-Yourself, what can you do?
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Joey Yap: Taking measures in Feng Shui (Part 2)
Joey Yap: Taking measures in Feng Shui (Part 2)
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

The Bedroom is one of the three important factors in internal Feng Shui. When it comes to ceilings, you may wonder whether its high or low height would make any difference to the Qi of the room. Is there such a thing as an "auspicious height"?
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September 2011
Joey Yap: Taking Measures in Feng Shui (Part 1)
Joey Yap: Taking Measures in Feng Shui (Part 1)
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

So you've recently purchased a beautiful piece of land with good surrounding landforms, and you want to build your dream home on it. You tell your architect the design preferences you want for your house. Not a problem.
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Home Feng Shui
Home Feng Shui
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap interprets the ‘stars’ affecting your home
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Simple Ways To Get Started In Feng Shui
Simple Ways To Get Started In Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Issue094)
By : Joey Yap

What should you be looking into when it comes to checking or improving the Feng Shui of your home?
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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August 2011
Joey Yap: Scary Sha Qi (Part 2)
Joey Yap: Scary Sha Qi (Part 2)
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

This week, I'm going to give you some simple pointers (no pun intended) on how to discern Sha Qi and when not to be worried about Sha Qi
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Old practice in a new era
Old practice in a new era
Source : STProperty
By : Joey Yap

One of the challenges of modernising a profession like Feng Shui is really in changing the way Feng Shui is practiced.
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House Judgment
House Judgment
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Using feng shui "maths" to predict house occupants’ future
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Old practice in a new era
Old practice in a new era
Source : ST701 Property, Singapore
By : Joey Yap

One of the challenges of modernising a profession like Feng Shui is really in changing the way Feng Shui is practiced.
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Joey Yap: Scary Sha Qi (Part 1)
Joey Yap: Scary Sha Qi (Part 1)
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

I've gotten a lot of emails from readers of this column for more 'how to' Feng Shui. Thus, in response to these popular requests, I've decided to tackle a Feng Shui subject that everyone, at one point or another in his life, has worried about: Sha Qi.
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Some Pointers About Internal Sha Qi
Some Pointers About Internal Sha Qi
Source : Creative Home (Issue093)
By : Joey Yap

It is common to hear about Sha Qi when one talks about Feng Shui. Sha Qi translates as "Killing Qi", a term that often strikes fear in many – at times, for the wrong reasons.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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July 2011
Common External Sha Qi
Common External Sha Qi
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

In Feng Shui, Sha Qi is defined as sharp, fierce, merciless Qi produced as a result of energies being focused by sharp corners, straight lines or narrow gaps - features that create energy that moves aggressively and quickly.
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The Misconceptions Of Water And Feng Shui
The Misconceptions Of Water And Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Issue092)
By : Joey Yap

The last two months has featured articles that touched upon water formula application and water placement in Feng Shui for the home. For this issue, let's set the records straight on some common misconceptions on how water is used in classical Feng Shui.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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June 2011
Nina Wang decoded
Nina Wang decoded
Source : Vision KL
By : Joey Yap

The famously eccentric Hong Kong billionairess Nina Wang intrigued many people during her lifetime. Here was a lady appeared in public with pigtails despite being well in her sixties, and had a decidedly childish nickname 'Little Sweetie' (Xiao Tian Tian) and yet seemed to be a shrewd and by all accounts, extremely capable businesswoman running a powerful, sprawling business empire.
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Shape Matters
Shape Matters
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap interprets the shape of properties

When you are purchasing a house or building a new one from scratch on a land you acquired, there is a need to take into consideration the overall design of the property.

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Joey Yap:Feng Shui-ing The Home
Joey Yap:Feng Shui-ing The Home
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

For most of us, using Feng Shui for the home may seem like something impossibly hard to understand or to grasp. For that reason, we may feel comfortable - if we're so inclined - to simply leave the entire task of Feng Shui to the consultant we choose to hire! While this is understandable, it's important to also familiarise yourself with some of the basics of the process behind homebound Feng Shui.
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Remedy Of Choice: Aquariums
Remedy Of Choice: Aquariums
Source : Creative Home (Issue091)
By : Joey Yap

Water is a versatile tool of the feng shui consultant because it is not only an activating force, but water generally produces quicker and more immediate results.
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Astrology Forecast<br>十二生肖運程
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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May 2011
Water Placement at Home
Water Placement at Home
Source : Creative Home (Issue090)
By : Joey Yap

Let's continue our focus on common internal features to observe when evaluating the Feng Shui of a property with the placement of Water or interior Water. General rule of thumb for any unfavorable internal form: We must see if it is a curable situation – though not every situation needs curing, passing up on the property may be your best bet in some cases. The idea is to find a place that already has a good Feng Shui Quotient where you can spend money on improving, not fixing.
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Joey Yap: Building a new house or moving into one?
Joey Yap: Building a new house or moving into one?
Source : Star Property
By : Joey Yap

If you are a Feng Shui practitioner, you are going to get this one question asked of you all the time, in the most inconvenient of places and quite frequently, by people whom you have never met till that very moment of their question: "Can you tell me if the house I am planning to buy has good Feng Shui or not?"
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High Rise Feng Shui
High Rise Feng Shui
Source : I Property
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap explains how to harness good Qi to your high-rise unit
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The Monthly Luck in (June 6th - July 6th)農曆五月
The Monthly Luck in (June 6th - July 6th)農曆五月
Source : Disney Youth Magazine
By : Jessie Lee

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Astrology Forecast<br/>
Astrology Forecast

Source : Horizon Magazine
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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Empowering Your Child's Future
Empowering Your Child's Future
Source : Parenthood Magazine
By : Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics

Understand your child's personality by using Joey Yap's Personality Profiling System based on your child's BaZi.
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April 2011
Profiling through Eight Characters
Profiling through Eight Characters
Source : Vision KL
By : Joey Yap

Personality profiling or performance profiling through tests like Jung-Myers-Briggs, DISC profile and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, to name a few, is today de rigueur in many large corporations and multinationals. The idea behind such profiling tests is simple: Find out what the person is good at and get them into a job or position that capitalises on their strength.
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'Fencing' Tips
'Fencing' Tips
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap gives tips on how to maximize chi from your house fence
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Astrology Forecast<br/>
Astrology Forecast

Source : TurboJet Horizon
By : Joey Yap

Have a look to see whether good luck, fortune and health are coming your way this month
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Source : Creative Home (Issue089)
By : Joey Yap

In interior decorating, mirrors are usually used to "open up" a small and narrow interior. It is a decorative element used as a way to reflect light, visually enlarge a space, and fill a space that needs interest.
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March 2011
Know Your Neighbourhood
Know Your Neighbourhood
Source :
By : Joey Yap

When scouting for a dream home, it is a good idea to observe its surrounding area, its neighbourhood.
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February  2011
External Features to Avoid
External Features to Avoid
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap lists down some common external features that can 'bother' you
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January 2011
Soil Quality in Feng Shui
Soil Quality in Feng Shui
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap deciphers the colour of soil
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December 2010
Of Land & Building Shapes
Of Land & Building Shapes
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap digs into containers of Qi represented by the shape of the land and building
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November 2010
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Ensure you have more Yin features in your bedroom as this aids in health, longevity and relationships, says Joey Yap
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October 2010
Feng Shui Misconceptions
Feng Shui Misconceptions
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Here is a compilation of common Feng Shui misconceptions
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Seeking the Love Corner
Seeking the Love Corner
Source : BONUS Magazine
By : Joey Yap

I cannot begin to count the number of heartbroken e-mails I get everyday, from all four corners of the Earth, from people professing how desperate they feel and asking how it might be possible to do anything more to 'enhance' their love or relationship corner.
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September 2010
Transforming corporate culture with the right Qi
Transforming corporate culture with the right Qi
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

One of the great challenges for companies today is talent recruitment and retention. In today's highly mobile world, a young graduate or a capable manager can truly look upon the world as their oyster. Although in Asia, the primary concern of most employees remains financial: how much is the pay and what are the perks of the job? Yet increasingly, employees are also concerned about the organisation's culture.
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Truly smart partnerships
Truly smart partnerships
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

IN our BaZi consultancy, a regular question our consultants deal with is helping clients determine the suitability of someone as a prospective business partner. BaZi is extremely effective and accurate for evaluating issues of business partnerships. But we also find that many clients don't approach the question from the right perspective.
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Sha Qi, the Opposite of Good Qi
Sha Qi, the Opposite of Good Qi
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap explains how Vertical Qi and your personal Life Gua system interact and affect your life
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Is your HQ built to last?
Is your HQ built to last?
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

The ability of a business to own its own building or build a headquarters is universally seen as indication of the business or organisation's achievement, success and, of course, a symbol of prestige. Being the CEO or MD at the helm of a company or organisation when it achieves the financial heft to own its own building or build its own building (or move into a bigger building) is not just a great achievement.
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Diffusing difficult people through BaZi profiling
Diffusing difficult people through BaZi profiling
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

IN last week's article, I wrote about diagnosing "difficultness" in individuals within your organisation or business universe, and how to ascertain the manner and nature in which a person's difficult nature will manifest.
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Taking the Mountainous Route to Your Dream Home
Taking the Mountainous Route to Your Dream Home
Source : Creative Home (Issue082)
By : Joey Yap

As we become more aware of the need to live sustain ably, we have taken concrete steps towards reducing our carbon footprints. When seeking a new home however, how can we be sure of finding an environment that is in turn friendly towards us?
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August 2010
Identifying a difficult person using BaZi profiling
Identifying a difficult person using BaZi profiling
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

In last week's article, I talked about how a person's BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) can be used to categorise them into one of five basic BaZi Profile types: Wealth, Influence, Output, Resource and Companion.
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Profiling through Eight Characters
Profiling through Eight Characters
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

Personality profiling or performance profiling through tests like Jung-Myers-Briggs, DISC profile and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, to name a few, is today de rigueur in many large corporations and multinationals. The idea behind such profiling tests is simple: Find out what the person is good at and get them into a job or position that capitalises on their strength.
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High-rise Feng Shui & Vertical Qi
High-rise Feng Shui & Vertical Qi
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap explains how Vertical Qi and your personal Life Gua system interact and affect your life
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Feng Shui - Valuate your business
Feng Shui - Valuate your business
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

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How to know if & when you have found the right house
How to know if & when you have found the right house
Source : Creative Home (Issue081)
By : Joey Yap

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July 2010
The Eight Squares of Business
The Eight Squares of Business
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

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The business case for Feng Shui audit
The business case for Feng Shui audit
Source : The Edge
By : Joey Yap

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Feng Shui and Toilets
Feng Shui and Toilets
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Toilet, washroom, WC, ladies, gentlemen, restroom, lavatory, loo – a toilet is a toilet by any other name. But in Feng Shui, its positioning matters, according to Joey Yap
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June 2010
How to know if & when you have found the right house
How to know if & when you have found the right house
Source : Malaysia (Issue64)
By : Joey Yap

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Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Source : Creative Home (Issue079)
By : Joey Yap

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May 2010
A Mountain Guide to Feng Shui-friendly House Hunting
A Mountain Guide to Feng Shui-friendly House Hunting
Source :
By : Joey Yap

In Feng Shui, a "good" mountain releases positive Qi. Joey takes the lid off on how to spot "mountains"
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Eating Feng Shui!
Eating Feng Shui!
Source : Creative Home (Issue078)
By : Joey Yap

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April 2010
Pot(TY) Luck!
Pot(TY) Luck!
Source : Creative Home (Issue077)
By : Joey Yap

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March 2010
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Maret dan April 2010
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Maret dan April 2010
Source : Prioritas (Edisi 33/VI/2010)
By : Joey Yap

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January 2010
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Januari dan Februari 2010
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Januari dan Februari 2010
Source : Prioritas (Edisi 32/VI/2010)
By : Joey Yap

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December 2009
The Astrological Forecast For 2010
The Astrological Forecast For 2010
Source : Creative Home (Issue074)
By : Joey Yap

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Terrorised By Feng Shui Fallacies
Terrorised By Feng Shui Fallacies
Source : Creative Home (Issue073)
By : Joey Yap

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November 2009
Real Story on Feng Shui
Real Story on Feng Shui
Source : Creative Home (Issue042)
By : Joey Yap

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August 2009
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Juli dan Agustus 2009
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Juli dan Agustus 2009
Source : Prioritas (Edisi 29/V/2009)
By : Joey Yap

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June 2009
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Mei dan Juni 2009
Ramalan Shio Anda Di Bulan Mei dan Juni 2009
Source : Prioritas (Edisi 28/V/2009)
By : Joey Yap

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May 2009
Zodiac (May 2009)
Zodiac (May 2009)
Source : Prestige Singapore (May 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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April 2009
Zodiac (April 2009)
Zodiac (April 2009)
Source : Prestige Singapore (April 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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March 2009
Prepare for a Challenging 2009 with Feng Shui
Prepare for a Challenging 2009 with Feng Shui
Source : (No.2 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (March 2009)
Zodiac (March 2009)
Source : Prestige Singapore (March 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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February  2009
Zodiac (February 2009)
Zodiac (February 2009)
Source : Prestige Singapore (February 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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January 2009
The astrological forecast for 2009
The astrological forecast for 2009
Source : Berita Genting(Jan-Feb 2009)
By : Joey Yap

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2009 Forecast
2009 Forecast
Source : Prestige Singapore (January 2009)
By : Joey Yap

Looking At The Year Ahead: What The Stars Foretell
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October 2008
Zodiac (October 2008)
Zodiac (October 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (October 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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September 2008
Zodiac (September 2008)
Zodiac (September 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (September 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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August 2008
Zodiac (August 2008)
Zodiac (August 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (August 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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July 2008
Flushing Away Wealth?
Flushing Away Wealth?
Source : Hot Properties
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (July 2008)
Zodiac (July 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (July 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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June 2008
Five Features to Avoid When Buying a House
Five Features to Avoid When Buying a House
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (May - June 2008 | Issue 3)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (June 2008)
Zodiac (June 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (June 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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May 2008
Zodiac (May 2008)
Zodiac (May 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (May 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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April 2008
Ready for the Rat?
Ready for the Rat?
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (March - April 2008 | Issue 2)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (April 2008)
Zodiac (April 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (April 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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March 2008
向东出发 看准时机置业投资
向东出发 看准时机置业投资
Source : Sweet Home
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (March 2008)
Zodiac (March 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (March 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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February  2008
Zodiac (February 2008)
Zodiac (February 2008)
Source : Prestige Singapore (February 2008)
By : Joey Yap

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January 2008
Braving the new world
Braving the new world
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Unlike the old days, today’s Feng Shui practitioners have to be more multi-faceted in their skills.
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It's Animal Book time
It's Animal Book time
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

The maximum measure of accuracy one will get from any animal sign horoscope book is 12.5%.
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Feng Shui Ready for the Rat?
Feng Shui Ready for the Rat?
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

When it comes to updating your Feng Shui for the year, the key is to not be fearful but to always think positively.
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Where Being Forewarned, is Indeed Forearmed
Where Being Forewarned, is Indeed Forearmed
Source :
By : Joey Yap

Contrary to popular belief nowadays, Feng Shui is not (only) about getting rich. And Feng Shui sure has nothing to do with your hairstyle, ornaments, home decorations or the number of goldfish you have bobbing about in your aquarium.
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December 2007
Tapping the Star
Tapping the Star
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (December 2007 | Issue 6)
By : Joey Yap

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To DIY or not to DIY?
To DIY or not to DIY?
Source : Hot Properties
By : Joey Yap

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November 2007
Zodiac (November 2007)
Zodiac (November 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (November 2007)
By : Joey Yap

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适当运用气流  则好日诸事顺 (Choose a Good Day)
适当运用气流  则好日诸事顺 (Choose a Good Day)
Source : Sweet Home
By : Joey Yap

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The Art of Feng Shui
The Art of Feng Shui
Source : Hot Properties
By : Joey Yap

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October 2007
Zodiac (October 2007)
Zodiac (October 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (October 2007)
By : Joey Yap

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It's a bird, it's a place...No. It's a house for sale!
Source : Hot Properties
By : Joey Yap

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Feng Shui Revisit
Feng Shui Revisit
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (September - October 2007 | Issue 5)
By : Joey Yap

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September 2007
Tapping the Star
Tapping the Star
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Activate certain positive stars in your property by simply opening a window and doing a little exercise.
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Getting the Pointer
Getting the Pointer
Source : Home Buyer's Guide
By : Joey Yap

Armed with his trusty compass, Joey Yap truly knows the lie of the land. How does he see the progress of traditional feng shui in modem Malaysia?
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Building Or Moving Into A New House
Building Or Moving Into A New House
Source : Trading Places
By : Joey Yap

If you are a Feng Shui Practitioner, you are going to get this one question asked of you all the time, in the most inconvenient of places and quite frequently, by people whom you have never met till that very moment of their question.
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The unwanted five
The unwanted five
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

When you’re looking to buy a property, watch out for five features you should avoid.
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It's a cubicle thing
Source : Hot Properties
By : Joey Yap

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Source : Prestige Singapore (September 2007)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (September 2007)
Zodiac (September 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (September 2007)
By : Joey Yap

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August 2007
Door to a magic kingdom?
Door to a magic kingdom?
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

There is a great deal of overlap between Qi Men Dun Jia and feng shui, but there are diffences between these two fields as well.
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The Other Art of War
The Other Art of War
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Feng Shui enthusiasts would know about Qi Men Dun Jia, which was used to forecast or predict outcomes in relation to aspects of time.
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Feng Shui for Apartment Buyers
Feng Shui for Apartment Buyers
Source : Smart Investor Singapore Edition
By : Joey Yap

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Mian Xiang, Bazi and Feng Shui: putting it all together
Mian Xiang, Bazi and Feng Shui: putting it all together
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (July - August 2007 | Issue 4)
By : Joey Yap

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Defining Feng Shui
Defining Feng Shui
Source : Hot Properties (July/August 2007 - Volume 06)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (August 2007)
Zodiac (August 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (August 2007 / Volume 8 No.8)
By : Joey Yap

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July 2007
Playing hide and seek
Playing hide and seek
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey sheds his normal consultant regalia for rugged gear to access a site in the rural heartland of India.
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卧室阴陽不调和 影響睡眠品質
卧室阴陽不调和 影響睡眠品質
Source : Sweet Home Magazine (June & July 2007 - Vol 5)
By : Joey Yap

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Ancient Art In Modern Times
Ancient Art In Modern Times
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey examines and re-examines the definition and applicability of Classical Feng Shui, from the modern context.
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High Rise Feng Shui
High Rise Feng Shui
Source : Smart Investor Singapore Edition ( July 2007 Edition)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (July 2007)
Zodiac (July 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (July 2007 / Volume 8 No.7)
By : Joey Yap

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Building or Moving Into a New House?
Building or Moving Into a New House?
Source : Hot Properties (June/July 2007 - Volume 05)
By : Joey Yap

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The Year of Paris and iPhone?
The Year of Paris and iPhone?
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey analyzes Paris Hilton's Destiny Code vis-a-vis Steve Jobs' - and the launch of the iPhone.
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June 2007
Where the Qi is in 2007
Where the Qi is in 2007
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (May - Jun 2007 | Issue 3)
By : Joey Yap

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Zodiac (Jun 2007)
Zodiac (Jun 2007)
Source : Prestige Singapore (June 2007 / Volume 8 No.6)
By : Joey Yap

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Have luo pan will travel
Have luo pan will travel
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

See how a real life Feng Shui audit is done, as Joey shares glimpses from his 2007 China & Tibet Excursion.
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Ahoy Spidey, dates do count
Ahoy Spidey, dates do count
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Most people understand the importance of getting a good date to do certain activites like getting married or holding an official opening.
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The Soprano
The Soprano
Source : Off The Edge
By : Nick Choo

Joey face reads Malaysia's most prominent soprano, Tan Soo Suan.
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May 2007
Nina Wang decoded
Nina Wang decoded
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Discover the revealing analysis of the late eccentric billionaire Nina Wan's BaZi chart...
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Power of a good date
Power of a good date
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Find out why date selection is highly regarded in classical Feng Shui and the BaZi analysis for Virginia State University shooter Cho Seung Hui…
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Good Luck In A Jar
Good Luck In A Jar
Source : Tanah Merah Magazine (March - April 2007 | Issue 2)
By : Joey Yap

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April 2007
办公室风水 掌权控势
办公室风水 掌权控势
Source : Sweet Home (April & May 2007 - Vol 4)
By : Joey Yap

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February  2007
Tips for an auspicious year
Tips for an auspicious year
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

What you can do to ensure an auspicious 2007, without sweating the small stuff!
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Where to find the qi in 2007
Where to find the qi in 2007
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Arm yourself with knowledge of positive and negative sectors in 2007.
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One Big Boar
One Big Boar
Source : Off the Edge
By : Joey Yap

Find out what the Year of the Fire Boar holds in store for you!
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A room with a Burj eye view
A room with a Burj eye view
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Discover the Feng Shui potential of the world's only 7-Star Hotel - the Burj Al Arab
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January 2007
A Different Seven Star
A Different Seven Star
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

How the 7-star Burj Al Arab locks in positive Qi, amidst its flat surroundings.
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Good Luck In A Jar
Good Luck In A Jar
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Seeing Stars with Classical Feng Shui & knowing which are good and not-so-good for you.
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To Title or Not To Title
To Title or Not To Title
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

What's in a title, if a Feng Shui practitioner doesn't possess the requisite skills & respect?
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An Apartment Audit
An Apartment Audit
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

How to make the most of the Feng Shui potential of your apartment.
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December 2006
The San Yuan System
The San Yuan System
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

The San Yuan system of classical Feng Shui: Its origins, concept & hallmarks.
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And a Pi Xiu in a Pear Tree
And a Pi Xiu in a Pear Tree
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Why there is no need - or way - to Feng Shui your Christmas Tree!
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The School of Forms
The School of Forms
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Know your landforms and environment, with the San He school of Feng Shui.
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The Elements of Romance
The Elements of Romance
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Learn of Compability in romantic relationships via Destiny Charts.
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More Feng Shui for the Home
More Feng Shui for the Home
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Quick tips to harness better Qi at home...
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Master, Show Me The Money
Master, Show Me The Money
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

An unfortunate by-product of the increased public awareness and knowledge of feng shui is the creation of the mentality that feng shui is all about the money and nothing else…
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November 2006
Right Way to Handle Sha Qi
Right Way to Handle Sha Qi
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Learn to identify Sha Qi sources and handle them accordingly.
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Troublemakers - or Men and Woman of Peace?
Troublemakers - or Men and Woman of Peace?
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap analyses the BaZi charts of four prominent world leaders currently embroiled in the nuclear and missile programmes controversy and reveals their compatibility...
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A picture guide to Feng Shui
A picture guide to Feng Shui
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Learn what makes a property viable, Feng Shui-wise, with a pictorial guide.
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Your Feng Shui Trust Fund
Your Feng Shui Trust Fund
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap discusses the importance of Yin House in Feng Shui and how the tombs of dead emperors and imperial ministers influence the Feng Shui of their dynasties...
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Where's the beef?
Where's the beef?
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Discover the secret of success behind one of KL's landmark restaurants.
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The Way of Yi Jing
The Way of Yi Jing
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Discover the history and background of Yi Jing in this revealing article and learn how it relates to Feng Shui...
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Improving Relationship
Improving Relationship
Source : Oriental Post, Australia
By : Joey Yap

It is important to remember that Classical Feng Shui is not just about improving one's love life, nor is it 'love voodoo' that can be used to make someone fall in love with another person.
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Feng Shui for Apartment Buyers
Feng Shui for Apartment Buyers
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Discover the secret behind the Feng Shui of high-rise properties.
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Science or Sign of Superstition?
Science or Sign of Superstition?
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap explains what Yi Jing - generally known as the Book of Changes – is all about and dispels the misconception of this ancient classical text.
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October 2006
Questions you should avoid
Questions you should avoid
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap provides an insight into getting the most out of your Feng Shui Consultation experience
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Breaking the Dan Brown Code : Part II
Breaking the Dan Brown Code : Part II
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

In this second part of the analysis of Dan Brown’s BaZi, Joey Yap reveals the basis of Dan Brown’s emergence as a well-known novelist…
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Feng Shui Potion Number 9
Feng Shui Potion Number 9
Source : Oriental Post, Australia
By : Joey Yap

I think it’s time to get a few things straight when it comes to Cupid and your favourable Directions...
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What you should ask your consultant
What you should ask your consultant
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap shows you how the right questions can get you the most out of a Feng Shui Consultation.
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Breaking The Dan Brown Code : part 1
Breaking The Dan Brown Code : part 1
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap examines the BaZi chart of prolif the creator of the hugely successful The Da Vinci Code novel, Dan Brown, and pins down perfect timing as the reason for the author’s good fortune...
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Behind the face of a football genius
Behind the face of a football genius
Source : Asia Times, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap assesses the BaZi of Zinedine Zidane, the talismanic French football superstar and uncovers the reason for the infamous head-butting incident in World Cup 2006 that dominated the sports pages...
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Feng Shui & the Crocodile Hunter
Feng Shui & the Crocodile Hunter
Source : Oriental Post, Australia
By : Joey Yap

The sudden passing of the late 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin shocked the world. Joey Yap deciphers the Destiny Code of the famous TV personality and uncovers his exciting journey through life...
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The Practice of Yin House Feng Shui
The Practice of Yin House Feng Shui
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap delves deeper into the practice of Yin House Feng Shui in imperial China and shares similarities to today's Yang House Feng Shui
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September 2006
Feng Shui: What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui: What is Feng Shui?
Source : Oriental Post, Australia
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap discusses the fundamental aspects of Feng Shui that every home owners need to understand...
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Your Feng Shui Trust Fund
Your Feng Shui Trust Fund
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap discusses the importance of Yin House in Feng Shui and how the tombs of dead emperors and imperial ministers influence the Feng Shui of their dynasties...
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The Crocodile Hunter
The Crocodile Hunter
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

The sudden passing of the late 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin shocked the world. Joey Yap deciphers the Destiny Code of the famous TV personality and uncovers his exciting journey through life...
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High-rise Feng Shui
High-rise Feng Shui
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

The Feng Shui of an apartment or condo is unique, discover how to assess the Feng Shui of your apartment.
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Dear Feng Shui Master...
Dear Feng Shui Master...
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap answers some of the more frequently asked questions about Feng Shui.
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August 2006
Objects and the put Theory
Objects and the put Theory
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Can items and products in your office help you to grow your business?
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The way of Yi Jing
The way of Yi Jing
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Discover the history and background of Yi Jing in this revealing article and learn how it relates to Feng Shui...
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Tread not on the Dark Side
Tread not on the Dark Side
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Find out the real "secret" of the Water Dragon technique in Feng Shui ...
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Matters of Mountain and Man
Matters of Mountain and Man
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

For an area to have good Feng Shui, it needs to have both Water and Mountain features. In this article, Joey Yap reveals why Mountains which represent People Luck is just as important as Water that denotes Wealth Luck...
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July 2006
Putting It All Together
Putting It All Together
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

BaZi (Destiny Analysis) and Mian Xiang (Face Reading) are a powerful combination that can ensure the well-being of a person's life. In this article, Joey Yap shows how these two techniques can be used to counter long-term problems as well as short-term, more pressing issues.
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Behind the Face of a Football Genius
Behind the Face of a Football Genius
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap assesses the BaZi of Zinedine Zidane, the talismanic French football superstar and uncovers the reason for the infamous head-butting incident in World Cup 2006 that dominated the sports pages...
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A Healthy Wealth Qi
A Healthy Wealth Qi
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Learn some easy-to-apply techniques that you can use to help improve your Wealth opportunities in this article by Joey Yap…
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The Road to Riches
The Road to Riches
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

When it comes to using feng shui to enhance Wealth opportunities, we first need to understand the type of Qi that can promote Wealth opportunities and how to locate the "Prosperous Qi"....more
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Selection of Land
Selection of Land
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

"When it comes to finding a good piece of land or property in Feng Shui, the goal should be to find a place that you can renovate to improve and fine-tune. It should not be one that you have to fix to make the Feng Shui vaguely decent..."
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June 2006
Improving relationships
Improving relationships
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

It is important to remember that Classical Feng Shui is not just about improving one's love life, nor is it 'love voodoo' that can be used to make someone fall in love with another person.
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Feng Shui potion No.9
Feng Shui potion No.9
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

I think it’s time to get a few things straight when it comes to Cupid and your favourable Directions..
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Breaking the Dan Brown code
Breaking the Dan Brown code
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Joey Yap examines the BaZi chart of Dan Brown whose book – The Da Vinci Code – saw a total of 60 million copies in 44 languages sold plus a 227 million dollar box-office movie and pins down perfect timing as the reason for the author’s good fortune…
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Decoding the destiny chart
Decoding the destiny chart
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

The Chinese have always been fascinated by the metaphysical subject of destiny.
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Old sites bring new insight
Old sites bring new insight
Source : The Star
By : Agatha Matayun

A young Malaysian master and consultant is on a quest to instill more professionalism in the feng shui consultancy business, and his efforts include exposing his students and fellow consultants to the true nature of the practice, reports Agatha Matayun.
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Adding a breath of fresh air to feng shui lessons
Adding a breath of fresh air to feng shui lessons
Source : The Star
By : Agatha Matayun

The Mastery Academy's Excursion Series visits places in China that have features, both natural (such as mountains) and man-designed designed (tombs, temples and palaces), that are significant in the study of landform feng shui - by Agatha Matayun
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May 2006
Slaying the Sha Qi demons
Slaying the Sha Qi demons
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

Some people even go to the extent of being fearful about sharp objects of any kind within their home and outside their home.
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Scary Sha Qi
Scary Sha Qi
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

I do not believe that feng shui should be about freaking people out. That's the job of horror moviews.
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A Science or Belief?
A Science or Belief?
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

In any science, a critical component is observation. Feng Shui is a component of Physiognomy, which is one of the Chinese Five Arts. It is known as a science of observation of the environment.
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Seriously, it's big business in HK
Seriously, it's big business in HK
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

This week, I will share some of my observations of the feng shui scene in Hong Kong, which many people consider to be the heartland of feng shui today.
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April 2006
Don't expect miracles
Don't expect miracles
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Many people equate feng shui consultants with miracle-making abilities. Clients sometimes think that feng shui consultants can wave a magic wand, apply a formula and make all their problems disappear or turn them into millionaires when they follow certain water formulas.
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Complex task of urban planning
Complex task of urban planning
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

Feng Shui has increasingly become a selling point for property developers these days. From a marketing standpoint, it is easy to understand why property developers are paying more attention to feng shui issue ...
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Old practice in a new era
Old practice in a new era
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

One of the challenges of modernising a profession like feng shui is really in changing the way it is practised.
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Feng Shui at Shaolin temple
Feng Shui at Shaolin temple
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

One of the most fascinating and interesting aspects of studying feng shui is "Walking the Mountains". In modern educational context, this is like going for industrial or practical training.
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Power behind the throne
Power behind the throne
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

FENG shui has really undergone an evolution of sorts in the last 100 years. While it has created certain problems, the commercialisation of feng shui has also brought about some positive changes to the industry.
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March 2006
Tapping into your good directions
Tapping into your good directions
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

Those who had a go at using the Life Gua system from last week’s article would probably have noticed a major dilemma, especially in homes with more than one resident and where certain areas are used together.
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Simple ways to get started
Simple ways to get started
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

When it comes to Feng Shui, it is simply not possible to over-state the importance of the external macro environment, i.e. the formation of mountains and rivers in the vicinity of your home or property.
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Different schools, same goal
Different schools, same goal
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

It is rare to find a person these days who doesn’t know something about feng shui or ‘Wind and Water’ as so many people are apt to associate it with.
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Master, show me the money
Master, show me the money
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

An unfortunate by-product of the increased public awareness and knowledge of feng shui is the creation of the mentality that feng shui is all about the money and nothing else.
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February  2006
The myth behind lineage
The myth behind lineage
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

With a booming demand for classical feng shui services and knowledge all over the world, the business of feng shui is becoming more and more competitive.
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It’s a Science, not a Religion
It’s a Science, not a Religion
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

This may come as a surprise to many people, but feng shui actually has absolutely nothing to do with religion nor does it have any religious components to it.
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To DIY or not to DIY ...
To DIY or not to DIY ...
Source : The Star
By : Joey Yap

The Do-It-Yourself trend has become so popular these days that it has even extended to feng shui.
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Real Story of feng shui
Real Story of feng shui
Source : Sunday Star
By : Joey Yap

When someone mentions feng shui, you will probably visualise bamboo flutes and wind chimes, think of ba gua mirrors or perhaps recall something about lucky frogs.
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January 2006
Source : Sin Chew Jit Poh

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Fire Dog, hidden elements
Fire Dog, hidden elements
Source : The Sun
By : Mei Choo

Feng shui expert Joey Yap gives his analysis of how businesses and professions will fare in the new year
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Ming Vibes
Ming Vibes
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

We were visiting the 13 tombs of the Ming emperors and their empresses in Changping county, about 50km from Beijing . It was Day 5 of the excursion series and the students' first “audit” of the day began with the magnificent tomb of Emperor Yong Le, the third emperor of the Dynasty.
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December 2005
What's in store for the Year of The Dog
What's in store for the Year of The Dog
Source : The Borneo Post
By : E. Chandra

Everyone looks forward to the New Year. According to the study of Chinese Feng Shui and Astrology, 2006 will be the Year of the Fire Dog.
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Significance of landforms
Significance of landforms
Source : New Sunday Times

Many people know that feng shui is about the qi in the environment and tapping the qi or drawing the qi into their homes or offices. But often, there is a lack of understanding as to where this qi is coming from.
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November 2005
Simple insights to clear the air
Simple insights to clear the air
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

There is a sense of mystery and often times, confusion as to what goes on in a Feng Shui consultation. Some callers to my office inquire as to whether there will be chanting and prayers.
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Misled into harm's way
Misled into harm's way
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

It was a businessman who was at his wit's end who approached me after a recent corporate talk I did for a long-term client of mine.
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Science or sign of SUPERSTITION?
Science or sign of SUPERSTITION?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

The Yi Jing is known generally as the Book of Changes, and claimed to be the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. It describes and ancient system of cosmology and philosophy which is known to be the heart of all Chinese science, culture and way of life.
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Expiring luck - Period 8 and your house
Expiring luck - Period 8 and your house
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

The changeover from Period 7 to Period 8 was the Feng Shui equivalent of Y2K – that point close to the new millennium when people started frantically stocking up on food for fear of the sky falling down when the clock signaled in the year 2000.
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October 2005
Acute case of symbols paranoia ?
Acute case of symbols paranoia ?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

It is not uncommon to see people obsessed with feng shui. Everything in their lives are feng shui-ed and they become paralysed with so many different feng shui things.
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When the qi flows well
When the qi flows well
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

If you kept an open window or door in that sector and used it often, it would serve the very same purpose. No need for any items of an ‘auspicious nature’.
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Who's Best Directions?
Who's Best Directions?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

I had just landed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, strolling out of the arrival lounge in my usual glad-to-back-home fashion when I caught a man intently peering at me.
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Source : Nanyang Siang Pau

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Destined for feng shui
Destined for feng shui
Source : The Star

Joey Yap is eager to dismiss the common myths surrounding the field of feng shui.
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Don't sweat the small stuff
Don't sweat the small stuff
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

I have been fortunate enough to have been involved in Feng Shui for most of my adult life. What is unfortunate about this though, is the tragedy of how people can take the smallest things in Feng Shui and blow it out of proportion.
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September 2005
To consult or not to consult ?
To consult or not to consult ?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

“How do I know what to expect from a Feng Shui consultation? How do I know if the consultant is for real?”. This, I thought, would make an excellent topic for my article this week; what exactly does a Feng Shui consultation involve? Do you need one? How do you get one? And what to expect.
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Yearning to become WEALTHY OVERNIGHT ?
Yearning to become WEALTHY OVERNIGHT ?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

Is there a special feng shui formula to make someone wealthy overnight ?
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Strategic Positioning
Strategic Positioning
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

"This feng shui Master told me to put water in the west, that other Master says don't put water in the west", complained a lady who attended my talk.
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Terrorised by fallacies
Terrorised by fallacies
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

Lately, feng shui has become more and more a common term in everyday life. Almost everyone has heard about feng shui or knows someone who has applied feng shui for their property.
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August 2005
Strictly ornamental
Strictly ornamental
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

Of late, since the launching of my 8tv-Discover Feng Shui programme, I have been getting a number of questions from clients and students about, of all things, the Flower Horn Fish.
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Are you a Goat ?
Are you a Goat ?
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

It's not uncommon for people to look up their animal signs and read all about the nice traits that they are supposedly endowed with, having been born under that particular animal sign.
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Classical or New Age
Classical or New Age
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

The main purpose is to help you understand the difference between New Age and Classical feng shui.
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Qi-ing our lives
Qi-ing our lives
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

We can improve feng shui potential within our homes. To tap into the power of qi, all that is needed is a clear understanding of how it works.
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July 2005
Defining Feng Shui
Defining Feng Shui
Source : New Sunday Times
By : Joey Yap

The majority of feng shui enthusiasts are generally divided into three major groups - Believers, Skeptics and the In-Betweens.
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Dato' Joey Yap is the leading Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia consultant in Asia. He is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 160 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. He is also the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group.


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