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Good course. Good rational and logical explanation, outstanding! Thank you Joey!

Indra Darmawan Go, Indonesia

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  Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

For thousands of years, Eastern knowledge has been passed from one generation to another through the system of discipleship. A venerated Master would accept suitable individuals at a young age as his disciples, and informally through the years, pass on his knowledge and skills to his disciples. His disciples in turn, would take on their own disciples, as a means to perpetuate knowledge or skills.

The Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics espouses an educational philosophy that draws from the best of the East and West.

Students of the Academy are encouraged, in the tradition of western institutions of higher learning, to explore, question and challenge themselves and to respect different fields and branches of study. Equally, they are taught how to appreciate and respect classical ideas and applications that have stood the test of time.

Students are encouraged to utilise modern tools such as the Internet, interactive study kits, e-learning applications and online communities to further their knowledge and share their understanding. But the value of original source materials and classical texts is maintained, with students encouraged to make use of journals, classical texts and reference manuals held at the Academy's extensive Library.

Educational Philosophy Educational Philosophy Educational Philosophy Educational Philosophy

In the tradition of true academic excellence, the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics embarks on continual research into the different fields of Chinese Metaphysics. Mastery Academy Fellows and instructors are engaged in constant research of their fields and help foster increased understanding as they work on case studies and consultations. Fellows and instructors share their knowledge through the dissemination of scholarly papers, articles in publications and through the Academy's own publication, the Mastery Journal.

Renowned Masters are consulted regularly by the Mastery Academy and invited to share their knowledge and practical experience with Fellows, Instructors and students.

Through the publication of the Mastery Journal, online communities and regular publications, students and alumni remain at the forefront of the fields of study and are able to continue to expand and develop their professional skills and knowledge.

Learn more about the courses conducted in the Mastery Academy here.

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