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I have finally understood the mystery of these water formulas and their application, which have been taught with lot of patience by Joey Yap. Module 3, which was a dreadful scare to us at first, has been simplified and we have grasped it very well. Thanks to you Joey.

Ratti Bhandari, India

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  Seminar & Talks

Seminar & Talks

Seminars and short talks are well suited to the needs of corporate organisations who would like to give their clients, partners, employees and team members an informational experience on Chinese Metaphysics. The information covered in these one-day and half day talks are potent practical nuggets; knowledge that attendees can take home with them and begin applying right away.

 Xuan Kong Feng Shui One Day Seminar
 Xuan Kong Feng Shui Half-Day Seminar
 Basics of Feng Shui (120 minutes)
 An Introduction to Feng Shui (90 minutes)
 Practical 8 Mansions Feng Shui (4 hours)
 Face Reading Basics (2 hours)

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